Let’s not take Brand Analytics for granted. The data contained in this valuable collection of reports wasn’t always available to sellers and now that we have it, remember that there is no guarantee that it will be always free or always available. So make use of it while you can!
Amazon Brand Analytics Reports
At the time of this post, most brand registered sellers and approved vendors have access to at least 6 types of reports, with valuable data going all the way back to 2018. Here is a brief description of each type along with tips to get started.
1. Search Terms
Search Terms is an interactive space where you can discover the top 3 products that are winning the most clicks and conversions for keywords that matter to you.
This is a great place to start your keyword research. It's way more accurate than any other keyword tool out there and is based on real shopper data provided by Amazon themselves.
To get started, enter any seed keyword - shorter the better - and Amazon will reveal the following details for each buyer search term variation that contains those words:
Search Frequency Rank - A measure of keyword popularity. The smaller the number, the more popular it is.
#1, #2, #3 Clicked ASIN - These are the most clicked ASINs for those searches in the selected time frame
#1, #2, #3 Click Share - This is the percentage of clicks that an ASIN received in comparison to the total clicks for the search
#1, #2, #3 Conversion Share - Not to be confused with Conversion Rate which is specific to your own products. This value gives you a percentage of conversions that the product achieved in comparison to the total conversions for that search.
Another way to use this report is to enter your own ASINs in the ASIN field to see which terms you are ranking for the most click share (#1, #2, #3) within the first 1.99 million or so terms.
Find competing products above your rank to target in Product Targeting ads. Also, try to boost bids on those keywords if you want to outrank your competitors.

So much data can you access? Here you can get an idea of the typical number of results Amazon shares for each of the following date ranges. This number fluctuates daily but is within the ballpark.
Daily : 1,596,410 Rows
Weekly : 1,990,765 Rows [The most rows]
Monthly : 1,374,714 Rows
Quarterly: 1,048,200 Rows
You can schedule a report download, but remember that Amazon will limit the number of rows to 750,000.
2. Market Basket Analysis
A term borrowed from Data Science, this indicates the relationship between the combination of products that are purchased together and purchased often.
For example, if your Product (A) and another Product (X) are frequently bought together, and say there were 4 orders in the selected time frame, of which 50% contained your product A and competitor product X, then Amazon will tell you that percentage!
Order 1: Product A-D
Order 2: Product A-B
Order 3: Product A-X
Order 3: Product A-X
Having this information is almost too good to be true. Put this data to use by creating cross-selling and bundling opportunities or Product Targeting ads. The higher the percentage the more confidence you can have in targeting that ASIN.
Related Articles:
The Funnel in Funnel Strategy for Amazon Product Targeting Ads
10 Ideas for Amazon Product Targeting Ads
Should I target my own products on Amazon?
3 & 4. Item Comparison & Alternate Purchase
With Item Comparison you can gain insight into products that are most frequently viewed together with yours. These could be products within your own catalog or from that of a competitor’s. This data can be used to understand shopping behavior further up in the funnel as compared to the data from Market Basket. It represents shoppers in the “Consideration” phase of the sales funnel.
The Alternate Purchase Behavior report indicates the shopper’s final choice after viewing your product. If the patterns suggests that they bought a competitor’s product and not one of your own, this means they fell off your funnel. You might want to use this data to study those competitors to see what they are doing differently or better.
Here is a visual for putting the data from Brand Analytics to use, based on report type and correlated with stages of the sales funnel.

5. Repeat Purchase Behavior
This report helps you better strategize and assess your marketing campaigns to drive repeat purchases and acquire new customers.
The reasons for a repeat purchase could be any of the following:
You have business customers that buy more than one unit
You have happy customers who came back for more
What’s unclear is if this report includes cross sales from other products in the catalog.
6. Demographics
This report gives you per-SKU insights into the demographics of your shoppers over a given time period. Use this to identify customization opportunities with each SKU.
This view provides data about the following details:
Marital Status
This is great to understand at a high level, and good to revisit once a quarter to see if there are any shifts, but you’re not going to find any earth shattering revelations each time you do.
Put Brand Analytics Data to Use
Brand Analytics can help you advertise better and smarter. This is free data that at one point used to cost thousands of dollars or only available through black hat techniques. Given how accurate and valuable it it, include it in your process for regular analysis and strategy and for advertising better.
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